Sunday, December 18, 2016

Kmart st Jude shopping spree event #ad

So we all know that the holidays are here and everyone loves to spend it with family and friends.
Well not everyone can do that because there sick and need to be in the hospital. It can make any family have a stressful holiday when there children are sick and can't spend it at home.
Well Kmart has made it a mission to partner with st Jude hospital to provide children with things they need and toys to open up on the holidays.
So the children doesn't feel left out and it makes the children smile while opening gifts. So I got to attend an event at kmart in Manhattan that is partnered with st Jude Hospital to have some of the kids from st Jude go shopping for any toys they wanted. Then where we came in is we got to grab a cart and put a bunch of toys in the cart for st Jude to take with them to give to other kids in st Jude hospital everyone should open a gift on the holidays, weather your sick or not.
I had so much fun doing the event. I know what its like to be sick on the holidays.
Even though I wasn't a kid but not being able to be with family on the holidays make me sad.
So I love what st jude and Kmart do for all the kids and make the holidays easier for them.
I also got to meet some of the kids and Marlo thomas she's a wonderful person. She's all about the kids.#love  #kmart

So as you can see from the video above she introduces some of her friends from st Jude.
They had a lot of fun and it took awaway there illness for a few to just be a kid and have fun.
And as you can see the hats that the kids where wearing is sold at kmart and a dollar from the purchase goes to st jude.

You can find out about the products sold at kmart that donates to st jude from every purchase.
#sponsored #ad

This was sponsored by kmart and st jude
All my opinions is my own.