Tuesday, February 11, 2014

make your dreams come true review

I had the chance to read from the book make your dreams come true its a very inspirsational book to read heres the description of what the book is about
Ezzat is an emigrant to Staten Island, New York, from Egypt. She is painfully aware of the challenges she faced, and what had she hoped her own children might avoid. However, she continues to observe children failing because, the transition to a new country is so difficult. Born in Egypt, Azza Ezzat observed immigrant children in the US failing to graduate from high school. These authors collaborated to give teenagers of immigrants and minority Roadmap and blueprints to an answer to many of the questions that bias presents. There are 20 chapters; each has a motivational lesson, a question answered, an exercise, and a self-assessment.
it gives people information about life and the challanges people face everyday with have parents of immigrants we all are people who shouldnt feel diffrent. its a great read so you should go check it out. this is all my own opinions

1 comment:

  1. SUCCESS magazine is an international newsstand publication for entrepreneurial-minded achievers.
    Azza Ezzat
